
As well as loads, stores, and RMWs, there is one more kind of atomic operation to be aware of: fences. Fences can be triggered by the core::sync::atomic::fence function, which accepts a single ordering parameter and returns nothing. They don’t do anything on their own, but can be thought of as events that strengthen the ordering of nearby atomic operations.

Acquire fences

The most common kind of fence is an acquire fence, which can be triggered in three different ways:

  1. atomic::fence(atomic::Ordering::Acquire)
  2. atomic::fence(atomic::Ordering::AcqRel)
  3. atomic::fence(atomic::Ordering::SeqCst)

An acquire fence retroactively makes every single non-Acquire operation that was sequenced-before it act like an Acquire operation that occurred at the fence — in other words, it causes every prior Released value that was previously loaded on the thread to synchronize-with the fence. For example, the following code:

fn main() {
use std::sync::atomic::{self, AtomicU32};
static X: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0);

// t_1
X.store(1, atomic::Ordering::Release);

// t_2
let value = X.load(atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);

Can result in two possible executions:

      Possible Execution 1      ┃      Possible Execution 2
   t_1        X        t_2      ┃      t_1        X        t_2
╭───────╮   ┌───┐   ╭───────╮   ┃   ╭───────╮   ┌───┐   ╭───────╮
│ store ├─┐ │ 0 │ ┌─┤ load  │   ┃   │ store ├─┐ │ 0 ├───┤ load  │
╰───────╯ │ └───┘ │ ╰───╥───╯   ┃   ╰───────╯ │ └───┘   ╰───╥───╯
          └─↘───┐ │ ╭───⇓───╮   ┃             └─↘───┐   ╭───⇓───╮
            │ 1 ├─┘┌→ fence │   ┃               │ 1 │   │ fence │
            └───┴──┘╰───────╯   ┃               └───┘   ╰───────╯

In the first execution, t_1’s store synchronizes-with and therefore happens-before t_2’s fence due to the prior load, but note that it does not happen-before t_2’s load.

Acquire fences work on any number of atomics, and on release sequences too. A more complex example is as follows:

fn main() {
use std::sync::atomic::{self, AtomicU32};
static X: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0);
static Y: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0);

// t_1
X.store(1, atomic::Ordering::Release);
X.fetch_add(1, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);

// t_2
Y.store(1, atomic::Ordering::Release);

// t_3
let x = X.load(atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
let y = Y.load(atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);

This can result in an execution like so:

   t_1        X        t_3        Y        t_2
╭───────╮   ┌───┐   ╭───────╮   ┌───┐   ╭───────╮
│ store ├─┐ │ 0 │ ┌─┤ load  │   │ 0 │ ┌─┤ store │
╰───╥───╯ │ └───┘ │ ╰───╥───╯   └───┘ │ ╰───────╯
╭───⇓───╮ └─↘───┐ │ ╭───⇓───╮   ┌───↙─┘
│  rmw  ├─┐ │ 1 │ │ │ load  ├───┤ 1 │
╰───────╯ │ └─┬─┘ │ ╰───╥───╯ ┌─┴───┘
          └─┬─↓─┐ │ ╭───⇓───╮ │
            │ 2 ├─┘┌→ fence ←─┘

There are two common scenarios in which acquire fences are used:

  1. When an Acquire ordering is only necessary when a specific value is loaded. For example, you may only wish to acquire when an initialized boolean is true, since otherwise you won’t be reading the shared state at all. In this case, you can load with a Relaxed ordering and then issue an Acquire fence afterward only if that condition is met, which can aid in performance sometimes (since the acquire operation is avoided when initialized == false).
  2. When several Acquire operations on different locations need to be performed in a row, but individually each operation doesn’t need Acquire ordering; it is often faster to perform all the loads as Relaxed first and use a single Acquire fence at the end then it is to make each one separately use Acquire.

Release fences

Release fences are the natural complement to acquire fences, and they similarly can be triggered in three different ways:

  1. atomic::fence(atomic::Ordering::Release)
  2. atomic::fence(atomic::Ordering::AcqRel)
  3. atomic::fence(atomic::Ordering::SeqCst)

Release fences convert every subsequent atomic access in the same thread into a release operation that has its arrow starting from the fence — in other words, every Acquire operation that sees a value that was written by the fence’s thread after the release fence will synchronize-with the release fence. For example, the following code:

fn main() {
use std::sync::atomic::{self, AtomicU32};
static X: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0);

// t_1
X.store(1, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);

// t_2

Can result in this execution:

   t_1        X        t_2
╭───────╮   ┌───┐   ╭───────╮
│ fence ├─┐ │ 0 │ ┌─→ load  │
╰───╥───╯ │ └───┘ │ ╰───────╯
╭───⇓───╮ └─↘───┐ │
│ store ├───┤ 1 ├─┘
╰───────╯   └───┘

As well as it being possible for a release fence to synchronize-with an acquire load (fence–atomic synchronization) and a release store to synchronize-with an acquire fence (atomic–fence synchronization), it is also possible for release fences to synchronize with acquire fences (fence–fence synchronization). In this code snippet, only fences and Relaxed operations are used to establish a happens-before relation (in some executions):

fn main() {
use std::sync::atomic::{self, AtomicU32};
static X: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0);

// t_1
X.store(1, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);

// t_2

The execution with the relation looks like this:

   t_1        X        t_2
╭───────╮   ┌───┐   ╭───────╮
│ fence ├─┐ │ 0 │ ┌─┤ load  │
╰───╥───╯ │ └───┘ │ ╰───╥───╯
╭───⇓───╮ └─↘───┐ │ ╭───⇓───╮
│ store ├───┤ 1 ├─┘┌→ fence │
╰───────╯   └───┴──┘╰───────╯

Like with acquire fences, release fences can be used to optimize over a series of atomic stores that don’t individually need to be Release, since in some conditions and on some architectures it’s faster to put a single release fence at the start and use Relaxed from that point on than it is to use Release every time.

AcqRel fences

AcqRel fences are just the combined behaviour of an Acquire fence and a Release fence in one operation. There isn’t much special to note about them, other than that they behave more like an acquire fence followed by a release fence than the other way around, which is useful to know in situations like the following:

   t_1        X        t_2        Y        t_3
╭───────╮   ┌───┐   ╭───────╮   ┌───┐   ╭───────╮
│   A   │   │ 0 │ ┌─┤ load  │   │ 0 │ ┌─→ load  │
╰───╥───╯   └───┘ │ ╰───╥───╯   └───┘ │ ╰───╥───╯
╭───⇓───╮ ┌─↘───┐ │ ╭───⇓───╮┌──↘───┐ │ ╭───⇓───╮
│ store ├─┘ │ 1 ├─┘┌→ fence ├┘┌─┤ 1 ├─┘ │   B   │
╰───────╯   └───┴──┘╰───╥───╯ │ └───┘   ╰───────╯
                    ╭───⇓───╮ │
                    │ store ├─┘

Here, A happens-before B, which is singularly due to the AcqRel fence’s ability to “carry over” happens-before relations within itself.

SeqCst fences

SeqCst fences are the strongest kind of fence. They first of all inherit the behaviour from an AcqRel fence, meaning they have both acquire and release semantics at the same time, but being SeqCst operations they also participate in S. Just as with all other SeqCst operations, their placement in S is primarily determined by strongly happens-before relations (including the mixed-SeqCst caveat that comes with it), which then gives additional guarantees to your code.

Namely, the power of SeqCst fences can be summarized in three points:

  • Everything that happens-before a SeqCst fence is not coherence-ordered-after any SeqCst operation that the fence precedes in S.
  • Everything that happens-after a SeqCst fence is not coherence-ordered-before any SeqCst operation that the fence succeeds in S.
  • Everything that happens-before a SeqCst fence X is not coherence-ordered-after anything that happens-after another SeqCst fence Y, if X preceeds Y in S.

In C++11, the above three statements were similar, except they only talked about what was sequenced-before and sequenced-after the SeqCst fences; C++20 strengthened this to also include happens-before, because in practice this theoretical optimization was not being exploited by anybody. However do note that as of the time of writing, Miri only implements the old, weaker semantics and so you may see false positives when testing with it.

The “motivating use-case” for SeqCst demonstrated in the SeqCst chapter can also be rewritten to use exclusively SeqCst fences and Relaxed operations, by inserting fences in between the operations in the two threads:

     a        static X    static Y         b
╭─────────╮   ┌───────┐   ┌───────┐   ╭─────────╮
│ store X ├─┐ │ false │   │ false │ ┌─┤ store Y │
╰────╥────╯ │ └───────┘   └───────┘ │ ╰────╥────╯
╭────⇓────╮ └─┬───────┐   ┌───────┬─┘ ╭────⇓────╮
│ *fence* │   │ true  │   │ true  │   │ *fence* │
╰────╥────╯   └───────┘   └───────┘   ╰────╥────╯
╭────⇓────╮                           ╭────⇓────╮
│ load Y  ├─?                       ?─┤ load X  │
╰─────────╯                           ╰─────────╯

There are two executions to consider here, depending on which way round the fences appear in S. Should a’s fence appear first, the fence–fence SeqCst guarantee tells us that b’s load of X is not coherence-ordered-after a’s store of X, which forbids b’s load of X from seeing the value false. The same logic can be applied should the fences appear the other way around, proving that at least one thread must load true in the end.